Adept Enterprise® Portals

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Adept Enterprise® Portals gives residents convenient 24/7 access to permitting services and online data, serving as a central resource for licensed contractors and homeowners.

Adept Portals

Adept Enterprise® Portals offers citizens services that are simple to implement and easily interfaced with the Adept Enterprise® systems. Our secure portals links your permitting database securely to online transactions that are instantly updated in the Adept Enterprise applications. You have the flexibility and control to manage your data and change processing fees and services as they became available.

 Adept Portals

Contractors and homeowners benefit from immediate round-the-clock access to information pertinent to their project and can:

* Get instant updates on project or application statuses.
* Request and track inspection and violation results.
* Pay fees, submit applications, and plan reviews, apply, and renew business licenses.

 Adept Portals

Adept Enterprise® Portals are hosting on our Adept Secure® networks.

Uptime Metrics

Adept Technologies Inc. uses multiple production servers dedicated to hosting our enterprise software systems, and these servers are redundant. When one or more servers are down for planned software updates, or hardware upgrades, our enterprise software uptime is not affected on the production servers that were not scheduled to be upgraded or serviced. These updates and services are planned over the weekends and after hours and are done with zero downtime for the accessibility of the software.

Adept Technologies Inc. is not responsible for downtime based on actions out of the control of Adept Technologies Inc. such as acts of God, Nuclear war, Global Internet failure, Global Cyber Attacks.

If Adept Technologies Inc. hosting uptime is less than 99.99% in any monthly timeframe, Adept Technologies Inc. will provide a credit to the affected customer.

Adept Technologies Inc does NOT use ANY Cloud Based Server, ANY Virtualized Server from ANY Service such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft, Oracle, Google or any other Cloud based service from ANY third party. Our servers are purchased, built, installed, and running in Data Centers in the United States of America controlled by us.

Contact us today toll free 1-888-392-9623 to find out more on how Adept Technologies can save you money by utilizing our services and software technology.

Adept Media

Adept Technologies Inc.