Adept Workflow A. I. Based Technology

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Adept Workflow is a flexible work management system built into all the Adept Enterprise modules.

Customized workflows allow multiple users to track and manage deadlines, requested inspections and tasks that are automatically assigned based on the type and subtypes of all record activities. Staff can easily monitor action items and task outcomes and track project status, meeting agendas and correspondence that has been sent.

Photographs, documents and other materials are easily linked to individual records so all relevant information is instantly accessible within the system.

Whenever an activity record is generated, a user simply can select workflow options for a particular activity record or the system can be set-up with pre-defined timelines to automatically activate when a record is generated.

Setting-up a customized workflow for an activity record takes 5 easy steps. The workflow is labeled, the main task folders created, specific tasks are outlined in a task sequence, users assigned and lastly, the appropriate status for each task is selected.

Adept Workflow

Adept Workflow Features

 ~ Template designed and attached to projects
 ~ Data is centralized and shared between multiple departments
 ~ Search tasks and workflows by User, Status, Tracking number, Start and End dates
 ~ Changes in a specific task status updates all other member’s tasks in the workflow
 ~ Email directly from the workflow application
 ~ View complete task history
 ~ Alert notifications for task due dates, changes and critical information
 ~ Updates to documents and photograph records which are automatically linked
 ~ Assign user authentication levels for permissions
 ~ Quick search by Pending, Current, Behind Schedule, Stopped and Completed tasks

Bottom Line, the Adept Workflow is an A.I. based system that automatically routes tasks to the person, group, department or division responsible for the completion of the task based upon triggers in the Adept Enterprise system. This saves a huge amount of time in completing mission critical jobs, by the Adept system assigning, routing and alerting tasks to the correct responsible party.

Contact us today toll free 1-888-392-9623 to find out more on how Adept Technologies can save you money by utilizing our technology.

Adept Media

Adept Technologies Inc.